I looked up something like “jekyll latex” and found some helpful resources:

It surprisingly… just works. Just had to c/p that stuff into a _includes/custom-head.html– although rn there’s a quirk w/ minima that the latest stable version is missing some features like custom-head.html, so I had to use minima master. Followed this github comment.

I’m not 100% sure katex is running v. mathjax– I don’t know how to tell– but the rendering works one way or another.

katex examples

double dollar sign \(f : A \to B \in \mathcal{P}B\)

some more text

katex and katex display w/o dollar sign

f:ABPB f : A \to B \in \mathcal{P}B

f:ABPB f : A \to B \in \mathcal{P}B

single dollar sign inside katexmm f:ABPBf : A \to B \in \mathcal{P}B