ENGR 101 (F23)

outcome: rejected. But they also didn’t look at the video1.

EECS 376 (F23)

outcome: rejected. No response.

too long version

actual submission

EECS 482 (no application video)

outcome: F23 482 GSI.

In the end, I found a job as a 482 GSI, not by making a good video (not that 482 asks for videos), but by responding to an email solicitation for a 482 summer (23 Sp+Su) IA with lightning reflexes.

The same instructor over the summer is teaching the fall term now, so I’ve stayed on as a GSI.

For the IA position, it helped that I cleared my schedule back when I took 482 and got good grades. And that I had IA ‘d before (for 490).

There were some other external factors, but things worked out in the end. I am grateful for the support of a particular faculty member in this escapade.

  1. I dumb and got “private” and “unlisted” backwards.