To keep track of funny sayings I’ve come across:

(most are inevitably heavily distorted, owing to my poor recall. Best attempt at attribution.) (quotes are reserved for actual, checked quotes.)

  • miserliness is the surest sign of general unhappiness1
  • you may bark, or not bark, but as part of the pack you must wag your tail2
  • TODO: (Quine’s thing about infinite cardinals, in the P-G edit)
  • “I was send off to Tokyo in a taxi, lest I do damage to my leg– this at Chūō Kōron expense, though I shall insist upon re-paying. The tariff I set down for the record, since I shall probably never again have such a long taxi ride: ¥5,540. Very cheap, I say– less than a day of Mr. Hertz.3
  • “This last fact perhaps helps to confirm a theory I have long had, that the novel got out of hand, that Tanizaki did not really want Taeko to be so likeable.”4
  • “By 1965, researchers could no longer read [computability theory] papers.”5
  1. Kafka, English tr 

  2. Chekhov, English tr 

  3. E. Seidensticker 

  4. ibid. After referring to the real life inspiration of Taeko as “coarse and vulgar”. 

  5. Soare, in Formalism and intuition in computability